# Learning from Failure: Transformative Experiences in Business
Failure is an inevitable part of any business journey, but it doesn’t have to be viewed as a negative. In fact, embracing failure can lead to empowerment and growth. In this article, we delve into personal experiences shared by eight business leaders who have turned their setbacks into stepping stones for success.
## Lessons Learned from Business Leaders
### 1. A firing that led to a new business
– Heather Eason, founder of SELECT Power Systems, shares how being fired from a job planted the seed for starting her own firm, which turned out to be the best decision she ever made.
### 2. A setback that became a powerful learning opportunity
– Bayu Prihandito, from Life Architekture, reflects on how setbacks in building a life coaching business led to crucial learning opportunities and reshaped his coaching methodology.
### 3. Turning a missed deadline into national publicity
– Logan Mallory of Motivosity shares how a missed deadline for an award led to national attention and taught a valuable lesson about pushing through failures.
### 4. An apology that resulted in professional growth
– Matthew Sanjari, from PRIME Consulting, recounts how apologizing for a miscommunication led to redemption on a professional level and valuable conversations with a client.
### 5. Setbacks that helped refine one business’s mission
– Jacob Coyne of Stay Here highlights how failures in the early stages of building the organization led to a more meaningful and impactful mental health support system.
### 6. A lesson learned after almost losing a client
– Valerie Lavska of Promodo shares how a client segmentation project taught her the importance of understanding each client’s needs and developing specific approaches for them.
### 7. Detaching self-worth from outcomes to reduce fear of failure
– Ian Sells of Million Dollar Sellers discusses the strategy of detaching self-worth from outcomes to reduce the fear associated with failure and encourage a resilient spirit in facing adversity.
### 8. Taking responsibility for a failure ultimately led to success
– Jack Vivian of Increditools emphasizes the importance of admitting mistakes as a leader, taking responsibility, and working with the team to find better solutions after a tech project failure.
## About the Author
### Brett Farmiloe
– Founder and CEO of Featured, a platform where business leaders can share their expertise and get published in articles featuring their insights.
Connect with Brett on LinkedIn: [Brett Farmiloe](https://www.linkedin.com/in/brettfarmiloe/)
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For more information, visit the [Featured website](https://www.featured.com/).
In conclusion, failure is not the end but a valuable tool for learning and growth in business. By embracing setbacks, acknowledging mistakes, and learning from failures, business leaders can pave the way for success and innovation in their ventures.