# The Beginners Guide to Managed IT Services
Are you a small business owner struggling to keep up with the latest technology? Are you tired of spending your time dealing with internal technology issues instead of running your business? Managing a business is challenging enough without the added stress of technical maintenance.
In the past year, many small and medium business owners have realized that Managed IT services can help reduce unnecessary headaches, improve efficiency, and trim costs. Using technology to grow your business is no longer optional but a necessity. In this beginners guide, we will explore the three core benefits of managed IT services: reducing complexity, boosting efficiency, and trimming costs.
## Reduce Complexity
As a business owner, you have enough to manage without worrying about technical services. Spending time reading tech manuals or learning about network monitoring takes away time from running your business and providing excellent customer service. You know that every minute spent on technical services is time away from building strong teams and creating innovative strategies.
If you’re running a service-based business, your hands are already full. You need to be up to date and keep your business state of the art. Reducing complexity is critical to cope with stress, pressure, and longer hours, especially during the holidays. The following four essentials will help you reduce your workload:
– A 24/7 help desk to get a rapid response to every request for help
– Remote network monitoring to ensure everything is functioning correctly around the clock
– Remote and on-site support to solve issues quickly and efficiently
– Routine maintenance to ensure technology is up-to-date, secure, and backed up
If you’ve been struggling to do these basics on your own, it’s time to seek help.
## Boost Efficiency
Managed IT services provide benefits beyond the critical essentials. They provide peace of mind, improved efficiency, and increased customer satisfaction. If you’re expanding into new lines of business or geographic areas, managed services are the key to unlocking unrestricted growth.
Letting an outside IT managed services team take the load off your internal team reduces stress and improves employee morale. You’ll provide your staff with expert support while removing the burden of preventative maintenance. Ask your staff for their input and find that they are more than happy to let experts do the heavy lifting.
## Trim Costs
As a small business owner, you may have been holding back from getting managed IT services because of the cost. But this reason seems valid until you examine it closely. Maintaining an in-house IT team can be much more expensive than outsourcing.
Alternatively, managed IT services tend to run from $100 to $150 per person per month, which is much less expensive than you’ve been spending on in-house IT teams. Money and time are the ultimate levers of success in a small business. But you still need to factor in the unknowable elements like the cost of a technology glitch. It can cost you sales, service, or customer loyalty. Ultimately, you’ll save a lot more money by preventing costly downtime or recovery time.
## Finding The Best Fit for Your Business
Finding the best-managed service provider for your business requires a core list of your values and needs. Here are four essential skills to look for in a provider you can work with over the long-term:
– Communication skills – A provider who listens to your needs, wants, and issues and gives them top priority.
– Expert skills – Technical expertise and insights into industry trends to keep your company positioned for success.
– Collaboration skills – A partner who can help you innovate for current needs and anticipate future developments to stay ahead of your competition.
– Agile skills – A provider who can adapt and stay flexible to help you start, learn and grow without limiting you to a fixed obligation or operation.
As you explore the next steps in managed IT, keep an open mind and discuss options. A dedicated team can help you reduce stress and grow your business.
# Final Thoughts
Managed IT services are essential for small business owners who want to stay up-to-date with the latest technology. It reduces complexity, improves efficiency, and trims costs. Hiring a managed IT provider allows you and your staff to focus on what you do best: running your business. If you’re looking for a reliable provider with the skills to help your business grow, start with a list of your values and needs and look for a provider with essential skills like communication, expertise, collaboration, and agility. Always keep an open mind and discuss your options.