# A Beginner’s Guide to Understanding Business Technology Trends for 2022 and Beyond
Over the past two years, businesses worldwide have faced unprecedented challenges in response to the pandemic. The global situation forced companies to shift from traditional office working to remote work, making changes to technology, and redefining strategies.
As we move into 2022, it is evident that some technological trends will dominate the business landscape. In this beginner’s guide, we will explore four high-level trends in business technology that will have a significant impact on businesses’ success in 2022 and beyond.
## 1. The Era of Permanent Hybrid Employment
The pandemic forced many businesses to adopt remote work overnight, leading to new work-related questions and concerns. In 2022, hybrid employment is here to stay, as employees have gained newfound authority and independence.
As remote work becomes a significant part of the organizational culture, IT executives must evaluate their collaborative and security technologies. As a result, organizations must focus on creating appealing workplace cultures that empower employees to work safely from anywhere globally.
## 2. Empower Employees Working from Anywhere in the World
As businesses continue to shift to hybrid employment, employee participation and simplicity of use are vital to developing a collaborative workplace culture. It allows employees to work autonomously and offer flexibility for attaining work-life balance, resulting in a significant edge in the race for top talent.
Organizations can create a remote work culture that empowers their employees by using collaborative technology that supports remote working. This technology can allow employees to work autonomously from anywhere globally without the need for physical offices.
## 3. New Approach to Security
As the adoption of remote workers becomes permanent, businesses must adjust their approach to security. Verified identity has become the new perimeter for most businesses, making it essential to implement zero-trust security principles.
Zero trust brings the user’s identity to the forefront, making it easier for businesses to implement security measures in a remote work environment. According to Microsoft’s Zero Trust Adoption Report, 76 percent of businesses employ a zero-trust security approach.
## 4. Supply Chain Issues Will Continue
The pandemic has caused global supply chain interruptions, affecting economic recovery. Unfortunately, these disruptions are expected to continue throughout 2022. To mitigate the effect of supply chain disruptions, businesses must embrace technology that allows for effective supply chain management.
In managing the supply chain, businesses can incorporate solutions such as high-level analytics and edge computing technology to ensure customers have what they want when they need it. This approach can lead to long-term customer loyalty as proactive businesses prevent shortages from disrupting business continuity.
In conclusion, the business world has experienced dramatic changes within the last two years. Businesses must embrace technological trends and adapt to the evolving technological infrastructure to remain competitive. By following these trends and embracing the latest technology, businesses can remain relevant and gain a competitive edge in their respective sectors.